Contained in this text file is a list of current ZittWare products. If you register your version of PASSTATE, you may request in the COMMENT section of REGISTER.FRM a evaluation copy of any of these products. At the moment, only one product besides PASSTATE has been released. See below for a short description. The HardDisk Accomplice Version 1.63 The HardDisk Accomplice is a menu program to aid the user in executing his/her programs without using ANY of the computer's memory. The program is very flexible and easy to use because it was designed initially to be this way! The program supports many of today's advanced features. The menu will automatically detect and setup the following features: þ Disk Cache Support. þ 43/50 line text modes for the EGA/VGA cards of today. þ Mouse Control. þ 4 pages of 26 executable programs. þ An online Help facility. þ A Macro facility. þ Uses no memory when not in the menu. þ Features a configurable Screen Blanker that by default uses Explosiv Junior. þ Allows selection of screen colors. þ Added security of Password protection. þ Takes advantage of CALL and @ commands in batch files. þ A simple easy to use Editing feature. The Accomplice was designed for a hard drive but it can be used on systems without a hard drive. The program must, however, be placed in a directory in which the PATH environment variable points to. The minimum requirements for the Accomplice are: þ MS-DOS 2.0 or Higher. þ 200k of free memory. þ 80 column graphics card: Hercules, CGA, EGA mono, EGA, VGA or higher. þ At least 300k of free disk space. The Recommended requirements are: þ MS-DOS 3.31 or higher. þ EGA or higher graphics card. þ A MicroSoft (TM) Compatible mouse. þ +250k of free RAM. þ A REGISTERED version of Explosiv JR. þ SmartDrive 4.0 or greater by MicroSoft.